
A Sliver of Clarity

 I've been lost in a sea of Sadness, in the dark depths of depression, covered in a dense fog that has been clouding my thoughts and mind for the past several months. Oddly, my "time of the month" has given me a small sliver of clarity. So I am going to use this clarity to try and write/type out my thoughts. Please Note: This is NOT me "feeling better" or "doing better". I am still adrift in a sea, stumbling in and out of the depths, only to be lost in fog.

The triggers for the anchor pulling me down into the depths could be one of many, a few of many, or all of them.

  • Having a promised email being NOT sent to me, causing me anxiety/stress/overthinking which in turned caused spiraling.
  • Having a friend move away, limiting my outings (whether it be casual or important).
  • Being told that a beloved doggo of another has be put down (due to bone cancer) [and also being told that at a more inopportune time, as I was already not doing well].
  • Feeling unsupported by the supposed support system (that doesn't consist of friends/family).
  • Feeling ignored and feeling forced to conform to go to a "program" (which I assumes means hospitalization of some type), the generalized gist of the conversation was "I won't give ADHD med unless you have a job or in a "program".
  • Feeling ignored by a therapist who said I'm not willing to put in the work for my apt." then them saying they never said that and that they are sorry that "I saw it in that manner" (I KNOW for once what you said, I remember. I just wish I recorded it as proof but I'm not an a-hole like that).
  • Feeling like a therapist is giving me so many "shoulds" along with rigid Qs and As, which causes me to to WANT to hang up on the call. It does cause me to shutdown and become upset. (I understand it is their job to push but saying "I should ___" doesnt help nor does an excessive amount of pushing from any and all support system).
  • Everyone, and I LITERALLY mean everyone, is telling me how I should expand my social circle and make friends.
    1. Like that's totally easy as someone with severe social and general anxiety.
    2. Would all of y'all kindly please shut. the. [FFFF]. up? (I'm tired of hearing it, no matter if it would be good or not).
And I'll be honest, I've been finding it a bit more supportive and helpful talking with family and friends recently (over licensed professionals). Sometimes I debate in my mind like "Maybe I should find new professionals BUT I tend to answer no for many reasons. A couple being that my current support system knows my history and I would find it a huge pain (and possibly trigger) to explain my whole entire history to someone new.

There are a couple things I wanna say to said support system:

T: I'm very very very mad at you for multiple reasons. We can chat later why.

D: Please try not being excessive with pushing of professional opinion. You can push, don't shove. Pretty much assume I'm on a ledge and too much pushing will lead to my "downfall" so to speak.

Dr. C: I feel like you haven't been listening to me at all recently. And giving me an ultimatum on an ADHD med that will more than likely give that schedule and purpose that you oh so desire for me is utter crap. I know not to rely on a med but I also know without that med, I cant focus on anything unless I am distracting. And the only reason I got these thoughts into words is because my damn period gave me a sliver, A SLIVER, clarity. And I am also mad at you (Sorry, Not Sorry).

Hospitalization of any kind is unwanted by me for a multitude of reasons. Even when I had my moment of mental breakdown, I did NOT want to go. And, hell, I'm glad I didn't go in that moment. I have such severe anxiety with hospitals, doctors, strangers, the unknown, etc.

Sometimes I get in a place where i dont want to talk to anyone, not even CH (which is wild because I talk to her almost everyday). I DO wish I could see/hear NA and AS but they've haven't been by in a bit, so to speak.

The sliver of clarity has now begun to close and the fog slowly surrounds me. I believe I've said what I've wanted to say, maybe I'll get a little clarity again later... Only time will tell.


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