
30 Day Videogame Challenge Revised 3.0 (Long Post)

1. Very First Videogame - I believe my first game was The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker for the Gamecube. I enjoyed the game but was too young to understand mechanics and puzzles so eventually stopped playing the game. Haven't finished to this day though I want to.

2. Your Favorite Character - My Paragon Commander Mira Shepard (Custom Shepard, rather than a Pre-Made Shepard)

3. A Game That is Underrated - Mass Effect Andromeda, Loved it more than others.

4. Your guilty pleasure game - Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed.... :3

5. Game Character You Feel You are Most Like (or wish you were) - The character I am most like I think is Peebee of Mass Effect Andromeda. She acts confident and a lot of times puts a fake smile on while not letting anyone close in because she's afraid of getting hurt. :/

6. Most Annoying Character - Jacob Taylor. I just found him to be annoying imo

7. Favorite Game Couple - For a legitimate game couple I'd have to say Witcher Geralt and Lady Yennefer of Vengerberg. For an illegitimate game couple(s) I'd have to say Femshep x Ashley, My Khajiit Templar x Lyris Titanborn and FemRyder x Cora.

8. Best Soundtrack - Mass Effect (All of them, including Andromeda)

9. Saddest Game Scene - *Spoilers* In Sleeping Dogs, at Winston's Wedding when it get's shot up by rival triad members. It was supposed to be their special day. Oh! And in ESO when Leythen and Darien sacrifice themselves so I can save Summerset Isle from Nocturnal, that made me a bit sad.

10. Best Gameplay - Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + All DLC, hands down.

11. Gaming System of Choice - PC or PS4. Unless there is a specific console-only game (like Anthem) then I'd say Xbox One.

12. A Game Everyone Should Play - If we're talking any game then Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or Detroit Become Human. If we are talking rated E for everyone then I'd say Stardew Valley (though its rated E10+)

13. A Game You've played more than Fives Times - Mass Effect 3 specifically.

14. Current (or most recent) Gaming Wallpaper - Witcher 3 Toussaint Landscape

15. Post a screen shot of the game you're playing right now -

(Mass Effect 2, if you couldnt tell)

16. Game with the best cut scenes - Mass Effect Trilogy because some were just cinematic, others you could interact/interrupt in which was a cool mechanic.

17. Favorite Antagonist - *Somewhat Spoiler* Shepard's Clone in Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC

18. Favorite Protagonist - Jaal Ama Darav (of Mass Effect Andromeda) because he's super sweet and considerate while still being powerful on the battlefield.

19.Picture of a Game Setting You Wish You Lived In -
(Witcher 3 Wild Hunt setting, specifically in Toussaint. I'd want to be witcher or maybe something else.)

20. Favorite Genre - Sci-Fi, Sci-Fantasy, Fantasy, RPG, sometimes survival with Zomzoms

21. Game with the Best Story - Mass Effect series because romances, in-depth story and character background, lots of characters to get attached to, lots of locations to see. (One gripe I have is that a lot of the romances are male oriented in all of them. Like I feel like Jack, Ashley Williams, Cora Harper, and Tali would be bisexual. Same goes for Garrus and Thane.)

22. A Game Sequel which Disappointed You - It's more of a DLC sequel but Trespasser DLC of Dragon Age Inquisition. Also Saints Row IV and Gat out of Hell kind of disappointed me.

23. Game You Think Had The Best Graphics or Art Style - Graphics wise, that goes to Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Art Style on the other hand I'd say Stardew Valley. Very simplistic while being very detailed at the same time.

24. Favorite Classic Game - Super Mario Bros. on the NES

25.A Game You Plan on Playing - Mass Effect Andromeda (Jaal Romance), Mass Effect Trilogy (Kaidan x BroShep Romance), Witcher 3 on PS4, ESO, World of Warcraft, and more of other games I started playing but never finished or never got most/all achievements for.

26. Best Voice Acting - Jennifer Hale as Commander Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy)

27. Most Epic Scene Ever - Can't think of any new ones off the top of my head.

28. Favorite Game Developer - Bioware

29. A Game You Thought You Wouldn't Like but Ended Up Loving - I thought I wouldn't like Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor because I am not a Lord of the Rings fan but I enjoyed the Gameplay a lot even if I haven't gotten far into the story.

30. Your Favorite Game of All Time - a tie between the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt and Mass Effect Trilogy


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