
My Review of Elder Scrolls Online (a Game I have literally "no life-ed" in and spent 2000+ hrs in)

 Last time I wrote a review its was on Steam with only about 300hrs in which was four years ago.

What is Elder Scrolls Online? Or ESO?

ESO is a MMO that is based off the Elder Scrolls World with Lore/Characters/Etc from previous games of the Elder Scrolls Series (such as M'aiq the Liar and Morrowind/Vvardenfell)

There are DLC and Expansions out currently (with High Isle. the current Expansion on the way).

Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Shadows of the Hist, Morrowind, Horns of the Reach, Clockwork City, Dragon Bones, Summerset, Wolfhunter, Murkmire, Wrathstone, Elsweyr, Scalebreaker, Dragonhold, Harrowstorm, Greymoor, Stonethorn, Markarth, Flames of Ambition, Blackwood, Waking Flame, and The Deadlands

I recommend subscribing to ESO+, to get access to most if not all of these instead of paying for them separately. 

You have a pick of races that belong to specific factions (unless you have the all race/all factions purchase)

Races - There are 9 base races that go with the Alliances

Aldmeri Dominion: Khajiit, Bosmer, Altmer

Ebonheart Pact: Nord, Argonian, Dunmer

Daggerfall Convenant: Brenton, Redguard, Orcs 

And then there is Imperial under No Faction.

Each Race has bonus racial abilities. For Example: Argonians can swim faster, Imperials can earn more gold, Nord is resistant to cold, and so on and so forth.

There are also six classes you can chose from

Templar, Warden, Nightblade, Necromancer, Dragonknight, Sorcerer

Each has different types of fighting styles and abilities though all classes can learn any Weapon, Guild, Legerdemain, and Crafting Skills.

There are also Skill Lines for Vampire and Werewolf. To get the skill line you need to be bitten by one or the other at a shrine then do the small questline along with it.

Crafting & Material farming can be fun and/or tedious. There is Enchanting, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Provisioning (+Fishing which I consider part of Provisioning), Woodworking, Clothier and Jewelry Crafting if you own Summerset. Some materials are hard to find while others are super easy. And Material Nodes are open to all so someone can literally run up to the node you're running to and take it. Also I recommend taking all of the node and not be that ass hat that doesnt loot everything and only what you need (same rule applies to Treasure Chests!! Loot the damn entire chest!!)

Leveling isn't like World of Warcraft, the enemies scale to your level rather than have zones a certain level. There are ups and downs to this. It makes everything doable but at the same time there isnt a power different (maybe if you are fighting a world boss or a dolmen boss or soloing a dungeon) so you might feel like everything is too easy. PVP is another story though. PVP is based on how well you know your abilities and dependent on what gear you're running with.

There are homes you can purchase (Unfurnished with gold sometimes or mainly with crowns). With recipes and furnishing plans (and furnishing you buy with crowns), you can make a wonderfully decorated house. There is also Attunable Crafting Stations meant for you to attune to other crafting stations and use in your home.


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