
Where have I been the last month? (And other things)


I did not post on here for the entire month of April due to being very busy in real life. With my birthday (which felt more like an entire week of fun stuff) and a family friend visiting/staying at my place plus the Elder Scrolls Online Jubilee Event, I was preoccupied and wasn't able to really get on to my PC or have time to think of post(s) to make. Now, as the first day of May, I have had time to think and make some things I want to post about.

Why I love and hate fishing in Elder Scrolls Online

Near the end of April, I was able to get back into my daily things to do in gaming, especially in ESO. My favorite thing to do is turn off Zone Chat then go fishing in Summerset. Its really relaxing things to do. I love fishing in Summerset especially because A. its beautiful there and B. Pyandonean Bottles (iykyk). But my major gripe about fishing is that you can only filet one fish at a time with a small cooldown until the next filet. It just feels so slow sometimes. You cant spam the filet button like a container or whatever.

Why Competitive Overwatch is such a pain

I love playing Overwatch (especially with a friend or two). Competitive is okay if you dont take things too seriously to the point of rage. I mean you have to give it some seriousness, like with trying to win so you can earn Competitive Points and get good SR. I wish that you earned more than 15 damn points per win. And depending on your rank, you can either get minimal amount of points (25 per role in Role Queue) to a decent amount (650 per role in Role Queue) but thats only for grand master. Im stuck in Bronze right now which means I will get about 50 points per role as I queue as Healer or Tank (or Flex). And Gold Weapons are worth 3000 points. I wish you earned some points for how well you did in a match no matter if you lose or not, even if its a small amount. I currently have like 300points and i need 1700. So if I do the math 1700 divide by 15 which means i need about 114 WINS to get it (remember thats not including the End of Season Rank Rewards). I am at least somewhat learning from my mistakes per match.

I feel like I have to not play Quickplay next season and play ONLY Competitive to have a chance at getting a gold weapon (well another, considering that I have Zarya's gun gold.) I want to either get Rein, Reaper, Ana, or Mercy's Gold weapon.... Just taking forever. :(


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