As days pass and we get closer and closer to Christmas the more I become anxious, stressed and depressed. I honestly wish my aunt could like mail or deliver my gifts to me and just have a brief hello or sit in MY apartment where I dont feel as stressed. I know that sounds a bit weird but I've always felt less stressed when I'm at my house when I lived there or at my current apartment. That way I dont have to worry about like leaving when she wants me to leave. And I feel a little more in control of when its time for the gathering to end compared to her controlling it and making it feel never-ending. I still wish I could be alone for Christmas... And as bad as this might sound, the only way to truly "get out" from going to her house is to get really sick. Not saying I wanna be sick because being sick sucks but like if were to get sick, it would be like bittersweet or blessing in disguise or whatever. And I know if I was alone for Christmas I'd feel a bit alone which makes sense but it's more of a sense of missing my mom and wishing was here sense of lonely, not wishing to be with extended family.
If I could spend Christmas alone, I'd probably spend time gaming on computer (like playing Elder Scrolls Online or maybe some single player games like Witcher III or Mass Effect Series). Or maybe I'd draw/work on getting back into the swing of drawing as I've kind of been like not top of things relating to drawing.
I feel bad for my friends who I've complained to about my family situation because I hate complaining/venting to others besides therapist because I feel like I'm burdening them with my own issues/complaints. I know its not completely true but still feel bad.
Winter and Holiday seasons have been a bummer ever since my mom passed away in 2019. And then having my grandmother passing next year (?) or so after that, Christmas hasn't been the same. My Grandmother would spend lots of her money on knick-knacks in these very large stockings we had in our family. My grandmother kept everyone happy with gifts and love and my mom kept the peace so to speak. Christmas would often be at my house and we'd put on, or at least I would, a facade so no one was upset on Christmas. Getting gifts is almost always nice. But now, getting gifts with often some sort of attitude or passive-aggressiveness makes getting the gifts a bit less appealing. I often now have to like shut my mouth and never ever voice my opinion on anything because if I do, no matter what I say, my aunt and/or uncle would super annoyed/angry at me. So it's a mostly Mute Christmas for me.
I do apologize if I've repeated anything in this post from the previous post. I'm terrible at remembering things I've said or done.