
It's been more than year since last post and some big things have happened

 So, I'd like to formally apologize to those who come and look at my blog, whether it be for the awesome gifs/images I find or my opinions on things. It's been...Its been a doozy of a time since the last post (Jan 8th 2019).

A big, life changing death happened in my family. My mother suffereed from cancer for a long time of her life. She passed away on Feb 11th at around 9:30pm. After her death, throughout the year I had to spend time for along time doing legal things and moving and trying to better my mood. I was in a deep depression. Im still depressed but it really varies day to day.

Then in December of 2019, My best friend decided to block me out of her life for unknown reasons known to me. You know who you are. If you are reading this, I am truly sorry for being selfish and inconsiderate of the possible situatiions you were in and I am sorry was annoying.

Since I am doing a bit better since last year, I am going to go try and post her more often. More so opinions rather than gifs/images. if you wanna watch me stream check me out at 


But I promise to post here more often! 


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