
Lost in Thought & Other Thoughts


I've recently been kind of zoned out, maybe even dissociative. Sometimes it's a lost in thought kind of zoned out, other times I'm just zoned out without barely a thought.

It's been hard to focus on my artwork things or gaming things. Though I will say, its easier to focus on gaming things than drawing things. That causes minor frustration because I want to be doing artwork things compared to gaming things. Writing also seems like its comes easier than drawing.


I've been playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla on PC (I technically finished main game on PS4) and it's been crashing a lot. Eventually when I get upset from all the crashes, I decide to play Elder Scrolls Online or Mass Effect 2.

I am almost done with my preparation playthrough of the Mass Effect 2 to gather weapons and armor for my Mass Effect 2 Insanity playthrough. I will say, I find it dumb that in Mass Effect 2 New Game+, you dont get to keep upgrades that you've gathered after doing so much planet scanning. It really is annoying considering on my current casual playthrough I gathered sooooo many upgrades for Weapons, Medi-gel and Health. I am happy that you get to keep weapons, armor, and heavy weapons from the previous playthrough (like the M-920 Cain, Kestrel Armor, Mattock Assault Rifle, and Phalanx Pistol. Those are key things for the Insanity Playthrough. At least from what I have read on forums and reddit). My current Shepard, Maxx Shepard, is a soldier class because that's what is recommended for the Insanity Playthrough on ME2. I might change him to Sentinel for ME3 but we'll see. I have to say the Soldier class is a decent class in ME2 with good abilities. Disruptor Ammo is good for the synthetic enemies (Geth) and shields while Incendiary Ammo is good for all other enemies and damaging armor. I dont use Cryo Ammo at all. Occasionally I use the Concussive Shot to either do damage or send enemies away, giving distance between me and them. I'll need to use Adrenaline Rush more when I do my insanity playthrough. And for bonus power I chose Geth Shield Boost to be able to bring up my shield when it gets knocked out. My go-to squad-mates are Miranda and Garrus (and sometimes Mordin). Their abilities give me the power to get rid of Shields, Armor, and Barriers. Mordin's Incinerate is better for Armor compared to Miranda or Garrus's abilities but Garrus has a sniper rifle and I have incendiary ammo to make up for that when Mordin isn't available or I dont want to take him on a mission (I also think that squad-mates are very squishy in Mass Effect 1 and 2 compared to Mass Effect 3).

On another note, I have a love-hate relationship with Apex Legends. I love it because when you're in a fight you aren't getting boxed in by someone building a dozen walls and floors (like in Fortnite) and I like the characters and weapons and most maps. However, I hate all the hacked enemies. And usually I start off with "practice/beginning" round because I have to like get into the zone and stuff. And often my aim sucks with most guns. My best guns are the wingman and R-301. Sometimes the R-99. And on a rare occasion I can get a single shot off with a sniper like the Sentinel. But all other guns I am terrible with....I also dont really have a main apex character. I like Octane, Revenant, Pathfinder and Lifeline but I mainly play what's needed for the Weekly Challenges for the Battle Pass (this recent BP wanted me to play Gibraltar which I am okay at I guess.).


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