I haven't posted in about two weeks due to the fact I was in a such a low place, I barely could do anything. I am in a slightly better place now. I can still see the tar pits of depression. But I am out of the pits for now.
My main therapist, let's call her T, has been very repetitive with her opinion. One thing I cannot stand is being told something over and over and over again in a single instance. I know I'm forgetful but repeating stuff when I am already aware of whatever it might be just makes me angry. The thing she kept repeating is that "Eating Healthier and Exercise will Help you feel better". I barely got meals in when I was in the pit. It would be better to be like get meals in then work on getting your diet better. Because I know I eat junk. I am currently working getting proper meals in at proper times. Once that stays and my mood hopefully doesn't change, then I will work on getting a better diet. AND FOR A MATTER OF FACT "T" I AM EXERCISING. I GO ON MORE WALKS AND MY BACK DOESNT HURT AS MUCH!!!
On another note, when I told people in my life that I am (hopefully) going camping at some point, they were all extremely surprised. Just because I might not like bugs doesn't mean I cannot enjoy nature and fresh air. I actually am really excited to go camping.