
Inking a Drawing

 Whenever I draw on the [deleter] comic paper, I always wanna use the [deleter] manga ink but I revert to using the liners/Pigma Microns. Maybe it's because its easy to get started with. All you need to do is take off the cap and then you're ready to go while manga ink requires me to constantly dip the pen so the ink doesnt dry and wiping the nib while its wet with ink (or cleaning it in warm water first). Or Maybe it's because I'm scared of smudging the hard work from inking a page with manga ink. I have Deleter Manga Ink 4 which is waterproof and solid black but it is NOT quick-drying. (I think I said this in a previous/recent post but) I recently smudged a piece I inked and I was very annoyed and upset with myself for doing that and felt deterred from doing it. I'm not saying I wont do it ever again but I'm nervous of smudging again..

I am just glad I am still motivated to draw most of the time though I am sneaking in playing World of Warcraft or Reading.


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