
So I've been drawing... Like a lot (Long Post)


Drawn Nov 1, 2022 via Procreate.
I've been drawing lots and lots since like mid-October. Maybe it's due to my new meds or maybe because I am feeling inspired. I have drawn 22 drawings, probably more, since mid-October. 

I have also "set off on a quest" to draw 100 different characters that aren't related to the story I am currently working on nor characters I've already created. I started that "adventure" on Oct 29th and have done 6 Characters so far (did 2 in one day). I'm tryin to get one character per day. Target date to finish is 100 days from Oct 29th, which is Feb 6th 2023. But if I can finish earlier the better. I am also trying to time myself while drawing so I dont spend too much time on a single drawing though it really depends on what kind of drawing. Sometimes though I wont time myself because either A. I want to spend a good amount of time on the piece or B. I completely forgot to time myself.

I recently read The Shounen Jump Guide to Making Manga. It was very helpful with different aspects of creating manga (and if you hit a wall during the process) and gave me some insight into the popular mangaka's mind and workday. I highly recommend reading it if you are interested in the manga making process or if you want to become a mangaka (manga artist). Just dont feel overwhelmed when you read about all the different mangaka's processes and skills.

I'm trying to use my tablet more when drawing though I will often go to my pencil and sketchbook because I am used to pencil and paper more. But the only way I am going to get better with digital art is to use my tablet. I was very surprised to all the different "brushes" on the Procreate app on iPad. There are so many. I find it fun to try different effect brushes like the flare or the snow.

Even though I've been drawing much more I do try to play games on my break(s). Like I've been playing tons of Overwatch 2 [even though the store is way overpriced and the reward for credits for Weekly quests is abysmal). It can be a mix of fun or disappointing. I also still play ESO or I play Assassin's Creed: Valhalla on Console. I also make sure I have Lunch and Dinner, Breakfast varies from just Coffee to Coffee and a Bagel with Cream Cheese. 
I also have a sketchbook where I am jotting down things I like/enjoy/or find interesting. Its actually been quite fun drawing things like that. I've already got 15 pages (more or less) filled with such drawings. I have to wrap the pages with printer paper or lined writing pad paper so the pages dont bleed onto the next one while I draw on either side. Like I kept having to erase pencil marks that would in sense bleed onto the other page.

I actually had to purchase more sketchbooks via Amazon because the last four I had were designated for
1. Regular Sketches
2. 100 Characters
3. Two Page Manga Sketches (with or without Prompts)
4. Redrawing Manga Panels (to analyze later, though I haven't started in this sketchbook yet).

So I bought 4 more, hopefully for sketching in general. I also bought a stand for my iPad which e r g o j o s h on YouTube suggests in this video (which starts at the point where he mentions the stand I got.

I've also cleaned up my desk and side area. It might not seem organized but for me, its organized lol.

And that's what I've been up to.

Hope anyone who reads this has a great day!


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