
Meet the Artist//Art Schedule//Water-Coloring


I decided to make an updated "Meet the Artist" image. I used Procreate on my tablet. 

I have designated days for different aspects of my art I want to work on.

Here is the Schedule (though it's not super strick):

Monday: Clothing Styles

Tuesday: Timed Drawings, Note-Taking, and Typing my Story

Wednesday: Backgrounds (building, forestry, indoors, etc.)

Thursday: Body Types + Hairstyles

Friday: Facial Expressions

Saturday and Sunday (and Some of Friday) I try to relax and play videogames but I do draw still because often I feel like I should be working on my drawing skills. Or my writing skills in someway. 

I also want to do some more water-coloring drawings. I did one, and only one, so far. And I really enjoyed it. And the piece I did looked like this


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